Resistance to Sybil Attacks from Fidelity Bonds
Sybil attacks from external enemies.
Assuming the makers in the offerbook right now are not sybil attackers, how much would a sybil attacker starting now have to sacrifice to succeed in their attack with 95% probability. Honest weight=0.0000135750532890 BTC
1.3Also assumes that takers are not price-sensitive and that their max coinjoin fee is configured high enough that they dont exclude any makers.
Maker count | 6month locked coins / BTC | 1y locked coins / BTC | 2y locked coins / BTC | 5y locked coins / BTC | 10y locked coins / BTC | Required burned coins / BTC |
1 | 25.83941603 | 12.91970802 | 6.45985401 | 2.58394160 | 1.29197080 | 0.01614964 |
2 | 63.30521391 | 31.65260696 | 15.82630348 | 6.33052139 | 3.16526070 | 0.03956576 |
3 | 105.18357744 | 52.59178872 | 26.29589436 | 10.51835774 | 5.25917887 | 0.06573974 |
4 | 149.64937371 | 74.82468686 | 37.41234343 | 14.96493737 | 7.48246869 | 0.09353086 |
5 | 195.95384144 | 97.97692072 | 48.98846036 | 19.59538414 | 9.79769207 | 0.12247115 |
6 | 243.67625893 | 121.83812946 | 60.91906473 | 24.36762589 | 12.18381295 | 0.15229766 |
7 | 292.54834382 | 146.27417191 | 73.13708595 | 29.25483438 | 14.62741719 | 0.18284271 |
8 | 342.38470074 | 171.19235037 | 85.59617518 | 34.23847007 | 17.11923504 | 0.21399044 |
9 | 393.04986025 | 196.52493013 | 98.26246506 | 39.30498603 | 19.65249301 | 0.24565616 |
10 | 444.44068341 | 222.22034170 | 111.11017085 | 44.44406834 | 22.22203417 | 0.27777543 |
11 | 496.47613093 | 248.23806547 | 124.11903273 | 49.64761309 | 24.82380655 | 0.31029758 |
12 | 549.09091771 | 274.54545885 | 137.27272943 | 54.90909177 | 27.45454589 | 0.34318182 |
13 | 602.23137282 | 301.11568641 | 150.55784320 | 60.22313728 | 30.11156864 | 0.37639461 |
14 | 654.92590722 | 327.46295361 | 163.73147681 | 65.49259072 | 32.74629536 | 0.40932869 |
15 | 708.96566581 | 354.48283290 | 177.24141645 | 70.89656658 | 35.44828329 | 0.44310354 |
16 | 761.72032541 | 380.86016271 | 190.43008135 | 76.17203254 | 38.08601627 | 0.47607520 |
17 | 815.99734359 | 407.99867180 | 203.99933590 | 81.59973436 | 40.79986718 | 0.50999834 |
18 | 870.60278867 | 435.30139434 | 217.65069717 | 87.06027887 | 43.53013943 | 0.54412674 |
19 | 925.51676068 | 462.75838034 | 231.37919017 | 92.55167607 | 46.27583803 | 0.57844798 |
20 | 980.72155943 | 490.36077972 | 245.18038986 | 98.07215594 | 49.03607797 | 0.61295097 |
21 | 1036.20134303 | 518.10067151 | 259.05033576 | 103.62013430 | 51.81006715 | 0.64762584 |
22 | 1091.94185312 | 545.97092656 | 272.98546328 | 109.19418531 | 54.59709266 | 0.68246366 |
23 | 1147.93019150 | 573.96509575 | 286.98254787 | 114.79301915 | 57.39650957 | 0.71745637 |
24 | 1204.15463655 | 602.07731828 | 301.03865914 | 120.41546366 | 60.20773183 | 0.75259665 |
25 | 1260.60449114 | 630.30224557 | 315.15112278 | 126.06044911 | 63.03022456 | 0.78787781 |
Sybil attacks from enemies within
Assume a sybil attack is ongoing right now and that the counterparties with the most valuable fidelity bonds are actually controlled by the same entity. Then, what is the probability of a successful sybil attack for a given makercount, and what is the fidelity bond value being foregone by not putting all bitcoins into just one maker.
Maker count | Success probability | Foregone value / BTC1.3 |
1 | 38.95231% | 0.0000000000000000 |
2 | 29.38979% | 0.0000085299313785 |
3 | 46.1262% | 0.0000229986544178 |
4 | 80.61174% | 0.0000376451239600 |
5 | 32.97179% | 0.0000419617016049 |
6 | 21.56284% | 0.0000456730441861 |
7 | 11.04593% | 0.0000481819019389 |
8 | 8.11018% | 0.0000505736384984 |
9 | 7.4756% | 0.0000527658527159 |
10 | 8.67156% | 0.0000547918702245 |